Untitled Thoughts on Pandemics

David Wright
3 min readNov 28, 2020


We started noticing that there were (or seemed to be) more planes at night, overhead. There seemed to be. But how could we have had a baseline for comparison since we had only recently started looking at air traffic.

I kept looking. Into the sky during the day while picking at the okra in the Royal Oak garden. During the evening and night, usually out near Big B’s near the Bibb Civic Center in White Bluff.

Then I found that there are whole communities that watch airplanes. Some watch regional traffic; some the whole North American airspace; some watch a few random planes; others track the flight patterns of Totalitarian Regimes, trying the predict global future of diplomacy. The exchange allows you to watch air traffic in almost real time. So long as you have cpu bandwidths (seems like as good a unit as any- cpu-Bs) required.

We kept looking. Into screens and into skies. Sometimes all day at the screen, then all night at the sky.

I have been unemployed since March, when it was mandated that restaurants had to close up shop.

I have watched a lot of airplanes. Helicopters too.

If you look at the night sky long enough, you’ll find that shooting stars are not at all as rare as the movies make them out to be. It’s not uncommon in this area to see a couple or three on any given night. Take last Thursday for example; I probably seen four myself.

You start noticing that some planes seem closer; some further away; some faster; some slower. Some higher, and some lower. And some sometimes seem to just hang there in the night sky, neither a part of the celestial organizations in their background, nor the airspace they seem to occupy. Maybes these are satellites; maybe stars. IDK.

You start noticing moving objects that are not much more perceptible to the naked eye than, say, a grain of sand small enough to pass through the eye of a needle without brushing the needle itself. One night in July, Big B and myself and a few others — def Big B and me — saw 14, fourteen, small flying objects pass in a row in the southeastern sky, down into the Nashville Basin, heading west. These objects were on none of the screens we checked. No one on the networks or message boards were mentioning them.

At least 2 humans without question were witness to the 14 white-ish westbound orbs. Without question.

I saw a blue hospital mouth and nose covering in the ditch beside the hospital today. I thought: I wonder if these are going to cause drainage issues in the future? Are these piling up in the sewage system?

We discussed EMPs today. Electro-magnetic Pulse (EMP). Apparently, they may be like sun flares. It seems to be universally accepted on the Internets that a large enough EMP could disable large portions of an electric grid, and may in fact affect mobile devices, and maybe even cars.

GPS, in order to receive updated info, requires that a minimum of 4 satellites be able to feed data to any given receiver. 4 of the 31 currently in orbit. The Global Positioning System is owned and operated by The United States Federal Government. It is one of the 4 GNSSs recognized by the United Nations. 4. 4 potentially varying worldviews of the time-space construct on planet earth. The Chronotope.

